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Property Investment

Property Investment

Property is also considered as a growth investment because the price of houses and other properties can rise substantially over a medium to long term period. However, just like shares, property can also fall in value and carries the risk of losses. It is possible to invest directly by buying a property but also indirectly, through a property investment fund.
An investment property is a property that has been purchased for the sole purpose of generating income. Investment properties in the UK can produce a return on investment in the form of rental returns or capital growth. Capital growth occurs when the value of the property has increased over time.

Reasons to Property in the UK

If you’re interested in buying an investment property in the UK, your next step before exploring the UK property investment opportunities available should be to carry out in-depth research and planning. You might be wondering ‘why invest in the UK?’ Here are some of the reasons why investing in the UK is considered

Rental Returns

Rental yields are one of the biggest factors to consider when looking for a buy to let investment. If you’re not familiar with rental yields, they’re a percentage figure which indicates the level of return you can expect from your investment. Calculating a rental yield is simple. Divide your annual rental returns by the price of the property, and then multiply the resulting figure by 100 to generate your percentage. The higher your rental yield, the larger the rental returns you can expect. In the buy to let postcode map from TotallyMoney, 25 UK postcodes were found to have average rental yields of over 6%. The highest rental yield is currently in Liverpool’s L1 postcode, which boasts impressive 10% rental returns.

Capital Growth

When researching property investment opportunities, UK investors should also pay close attention to capital growth trends. Along with high rental yields allowing for attractive returns, capital growth is another important factor that can provide property investors in the UK with a huge return on their investment. Whether you decide to sell the property five years after purchasing it, or you wait until later in life to use the funds from the property sale towards your retirement, selling at the right time is key. A prime example of potential capital growth returns available to savvy UK property investors can be found when analysing past and present house prices in London.

Different Types of UK Property Investment

The two main types of property investment in the UK are buy to let and buy to sell investments. However, there are also some additional ways that people invest in real estate in the UK. Let’s go into more detail on the different types of investments to consider for your UK property investment.

Buy to Let

Buy to let investment is one of the most popular UK property investment strategies, and for good reason. Buy to let allows UK property investors to make significant returns through both rental income and capital growth. This is the only investment type to offer two types of return on investment, which is why it’s such a common choice for property investors in the UK.

Buy to Sell

Buy to sell is another common type of investment in the UK. With this strategy, investors will buy a property that’s in need of refurbishment and then sell it for a higher price. This type of property investment strategy is good for investors looking to generate a large lump sum of cash through a short-term investment. Buy to let investment, on the other hand, is more of a long-term venture.

Property Investment

Similar to buy to sell strategies, some UK property investors will choose to develop a new build property themselves. This involves the planning and construction of the building. Once the property has been built, the investor will normally sell it on for profit. Many investors choose this type of property investment as a way to have full freedom over their venture. However, this strategy is a lot more time-consuming than some others and requires a lot of commitment and expert knowledge to be a success.


A real estate trust is a company that owns investment properties, and REITs are traded like stocks. REITs, or real estate investment trusts are companies that own or finance income-producing real estate across a range of property sectors. These real estate companies have to meet a number of requirements to qualify as REITs. Most REITs trade on major stock exchanges, and they offer a number of benefits to investors. Different types of REITs 1.Equity REITs REITs 3.Public Non-listed REITs 4.Private REITs

Best type of property investment in the UK

Based on the potential returns available and the current state of the UK property market, buy to let is the best type of property investment UK investors should consider. By investing in UK buy to let, investors can gain both regular rental income and capital growth returns. Those who invest in buy to let in the UK also being able to opt for a hands-off investment if they prefer.

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