Country: UK, Turkey, Pakistan, Dubai
  • Investment on Return Minimum Invest £50.000 5% Fee
  • Investment on Return Maximum Invest £50,000 + 5% Fee

Halal Investment

Halal Investment

Sharia investments are also known as Halal investments. They encourage people to invest in a socially-responsible way according to Islamic principles. Shariah investments or Sharia compliant investments follow the principles of Islamic law. They encourage people to invest in a socially responsible way.
Halal investing requires investment decisions to be made in accordance with Islamic principles. As a faith-based approach to investment management, investors often consider halal investing to be a category of ethical or socially responsible investing.

Our Halal investing principles

Our Halal Investing portfolio is a simple and low-cost way to grow your money. Your portfolio is optimized not only for performance, but for companies and investments that comply with Islamic law.
1. All investments are screened by a third-party committee of Shariah scholars
2. No investment in companies that profit from gambling, arms, tobacco, or other restricted industries
3. No businesses that derive significant income from interest on loans


The stock market is generally regarded as the best form of long-term investing. Investing in shares comes in a few flavours. One approach is where you choose the companies yourself and buy shares for that company. The other approach is to invest in funds. Funds are run by fund managers who invest in a basket of companies depending on the strategy of that particular fund. The key thing to look out for as a Muslim is that the fund is certified as sharia-compliant. This will mean that the fund managers are working towards an established set of criteria which make it halal to invest in.


Property is an investment favourite. It gives you nice solid income and you have a bricks-and-mortar asset to your name. The idea is that you buy a property and then rent it out to tenants. Typical returns for property are around 6% per annum but they can be as high as 10% or more. The cons with having a buy-to-let property are having to deal with tenant troubles. You’re legally responsible for certain repairs and if you’re not careful or even just a bit unlucky, you can wipe out your returns. Property is good for someone who doesn’t fancy that much risk, but wants to put their money to work in a way that’s more than just a savings account.

Halal Investment Options

There are four common Halal investment options: Stocks, Businesses, Real Estate, and Cash. Stocks – publicly traded shares of companies – are the most common investment type Muslims use


publicly traded shares of companies – are the most common investment type Muslims use, only common stock is Shariah-compliant. Preferred shares, which are a combination of debt and stock, are non-compliant.

Real Estate

Real estate investing is one of the most desired investment types for Muslims, but many find it difficult to invest due to lack of knowledge or resources, making it an option that few are able to pursue by themselves.

Business Ownership

Direct business ownership is a less common investment option for Muslims. An individual either runs the entire business themselves, or partners with a group to run the business.


Cash is not an investment – but many Muslims hold cash because they are unsure how to invest in stocks, businesses, or real estate. Cash must be held in an account that does not pay interest.


Identify your: investment goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance level. Commit to improving your knowledge of Halal investing and start building a diversified Shariah compliant portfolio that’s right for you.
Start by making a Halal real estate investment in the NoorCo. Capital

NoorCo Consultancy
NoorCo Consultancy is one of the oldest most reputable companies within the Citizenship by Investment industry and holds the strongest credentials.