Country: UK, Turkey, Pakistan, Dubai
  • Investment on Return Minimum Invest £50.000 5% Fee
  • Investment on Return Maximum Invest £50,000 + 5% Fee



General Questions

  • What is Investment?
    To invest is to allocate money in the expectation of some benefit in the future. In finance, the benefit from an investment is called a return.
  • What is venture capital?
    Venture capital is a form of private equity and a type of financing that investors provide to startup companies and small businesses that are believed to have long-term growth potential. Venture capital generally comes from well-off investors, investment banks and any other financial institutions.
  • Can I Change the Investments in My Portfolio Myself?
    At NoorCo Capital we believe that human emotion and behaviour is one of the main contributing factors to why portfolios underperform. We offer a carefully designed dynamic risk management service at low-cost. Individual interventions in your portfolio will jeopardise the implementation of our investment strategy. For this reason, we do not allow you to change the investments in your portfolio. However we do ask you to update us periodically with information on your investment goals, your financial situation and your knowledge/experience. Should there be any significant changes, we will determine a new investment strategy for you to ensure the new strategy is suitable. You also have the ability to re-take our risk questionnaire at any time should you wish to.
  • What is the difference between private equity and venture capital?
    Venture capital refers to funds used to invest in companies in the seed (concept), start-up (within three years of the company’s establishment) and early stages of development. In turn, private equity denotes management buyouts and buy-ins. In general venture capital funds invest in companies at an early stage in their development when they often have little track record of profitability and are cash-hungry. In contrast, private equity funds invest in more mature companies with the aim of reducing inefficiencies and driving business growth through often increased margins and/or new sources of revenue growth.
  • What is Growth Investing?
    Growth investing is an investment style and strategy that is focused on increasing an investor's capital. Growth investors typically invest in growth stocks—that is, young or small companies whose earnings are expected to increase at an above-average rate compared to their industry sector or the overall market.
  • What is private equity?
    Private equity is finance provided in return for an equity stake in potentially high growth companies. However, instead of going to the stock market and selling shares to raise capital, private equity firms raise funds from institutional investors such as pension funds, insurance companies, endowments, and high net worth individuals. Private equity firms use these funds, along with borrowed money and their own commercial acumen, to help build and invest in companies that have the potential for high growth.
  • What’s the Difference between Defensive and Growth Assets?
    Some assets are classified as Growth assets and some are considered Defensive. Growth assets tend to be those whose returns can grow over time, such as equities and property. The risks on these types of assets are that there is no guarantee of capital being returned. Defensive assets on the other hand tend to pay fixed returns. Cash and fixed interest instruments are the most common defensive assets, and are defensive because there is an explicit commitment to have capital returned to the investor at a given point in time.
  • What return will I get from buy to let?
    Buy to let gives two types of return typically over a 10-15 year period. Income from rent which can be 4-12% of your investment and growth from capital which is purely an estimate from historic price information of around 5% per annum OVER A TEN+ YEAR PERIOD.
  • What are the benefits of property investment?
    The main benefit that investors see is the opportunity to 'gear' the investment through borrowing money, so if you have £50,000 to invest and gain a 10% return, you'll receive £5,000 gross profit. If you invest £50,000 in a property worth £200,000 and it grows by 10%, you'll get £20,000 back. However this only works when property prices are rising, you buy at a substantial (real) discount and/or you wait until the property has grown in value.
  • Which institutions are turning to halal investment?
    Sovereign issuers of sukuk arguably kick-started the growth of the Islamic finance market, by using their influence and financial weight to provide the principles, expertise, and funds to shape the market.
    Malaysia issued the first sovereign sukuk in 2002. Since then, a slew of countries have followed suit. In particular, the UK was the first non-Muslim country to issue a sukuk, at GBP 200 million (USD 257 million) in 2014. This set a precedent for the western world and was heavily oversubscribed, attracting orders of GBP 2.3 billion (USD 2.95 billion).
    Historically, sovereigns have taken the lion’s share of the world’s sukuk market. However, both public and private corporates have started to take a leaf out of this book too.
  • I'm new to investing. Should I use NoorCo Capital Service for investment?
    If you're looking to grow your savings over the long-term, a diversified, low-fee portfolio that is rebalanced regularly — like the ones NoorCo Capital offers — is the smartest way to do that. But that doesn't mean there's no place for buying and selling individual stocks — so long as it's done responsibly as part of a holistic financial plan.
  • Know why you’re investing ?
    This is really important, because it basically guides everything. Your strategy if you’ve got 20 years to invest with no real need to access the money in the meantime is vastly different to you having 1 year to invest with a potential need to access the cash. Your reason for investing determines your risk appetite. That’s important, because the amount if risk you take usually correlates to the returns you can get in the market. So be really clear in your head as to why you are investing.
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